Thursday, June 17, 2010


Yesterday's highlights were Emergent Design by Neal Ford and A
Crash Course in Modern Hardware by Cliff Click. Evidently
today's CPUs spend most of their time waiting for memory.

They've been doing the fun runs every morning. I went again
today. There was only one other guy but he said a lot of
people have been doing the 10K at 6:00 AM rather than the 5K
at 7:00.

Good last day. Stuart Halloway's Clojure presentation was the
best thing I went to in the whole show. Really cool technology,
plus I liked the way the presenter took a lot of pains to make
sure everyone got the 'lab' environment for the workshop
installed and working correctly. I haven't thought about Lisp
much lately but it really is a great technology and it would be
nice to see it make a comeback in the context of concurrent
programming on the JVM.

A few random impressions
  • This wasn't super-surprising given the iPad workshop, but I saw lots of iPads
  • The MacBook Pro is still a popular laptop choice
  • Linux finally seems to be catching on. Weirdly, in the past at NFJS I didn't see a lot of Linux but there was a strong Linux presence at Uber. When I got a close look, it was always Ubuntu.

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